Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Our 2014 Holiday Card!

Photo by Jennifer Casson

Earlier this week, I shared our disastrous attempt at taking a family photo for our holiday cards. Since we didn't really have an option from that session since my kids weren't cooperating, I ended up using a shot from what was really a very casual, very impromptu shoot a few months back. 

It happened one weekend afternoon over the summer when my son and I were taking photos with photographer Jennifer Casson in a Hoboken park for this blog post. My husband and daughter ended up stopping by to say hi, and Jen quickly snapped just a handful of shots of the family. I certainly wasn't expecting to get a holiday card photo out of it since we shot for maybe two minutes--but we got some really great pictures! 

The more I think about it, maybe that's the key to a successful family photo shoot: Don't stress, don't make it a production, let your kids and husband wear whatever, make it quick. Live and learn, I guess.

Photo chosen, I went with Minted for the actual cards. It was the rose-gold foil-pressing that won me over. The metallic detailing doesn't really translate in these photos, but it looks amazing in person. I'm so happy with the way they turned out!

So that's it! Cards sent, presents wrapped, stockings stuffed, Christmas morning breakfast chilling in the fridge, tree lights unplugged. I'm heading to bed now, but wanted to first thank you so much for reading and following along here with me this year. It means so much to me to have you stop by. Truly.

From my family to yours, have a wonderful holiday. I'll see you in the New Year!

Note: I won't be posting much here over the next week and a half or so, but I will be Instagramming regularly. Follow me at @alyssahertzig and you won't miss a thing! :)

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