A few picks from my Sole Society collection |
If you haven't yet experienced Sole Society, you must. They have amazing shoes for truly unbelievable deals. (Honestly, the first time I checked out the site, I actually thought the prices were some kind of gimmick--or a typo! They just seemed too good to be true--but they're real!) Everything in my collection, for example, is under $70, and most of the shoes are under $50. But seriously, the quality is surprisingly great--I'm extremely happy with every pair I've received so far. Definitely, definitely check it out. (And do so quickly! The styles are changed out frequently and I've noticed that they tend to sell out of your size if you don't move fast.)
Annnnd, as a little incentive to click on over, I've partnered with Sole Society to give away three $50 credits to the site! (That's enough to get a pair of shoes--for free!) Here's how to enter:
1) Follow me on Twitter.
2) Retweet one of my tweets about the giveaway or send your own tweet. (Just be sure to include my Twitter handle and a link to this post.)
3) Register on Sole Society (it's totally free) and check out my collection.
4) Leave a comment below telling me your favorite pair of shoes from my collection. (Please also leave your email address or twitter handle so that I can find you if you win!)
That's it! You have until 9pm EST on Monday January 21st to enter. At that time, the three winners will be randomly chosen. Good luck! I had so much fun putting this collection together, and I'm so anxious to hear which shoes you guys are loving from it.

I follow you on twitter @WildOrchid985
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
I love this pair--http://www.solesociety.com/collections/crown-jewels/margaret-ruby.html
I am a registered user of sole society!
Thanks for the cool giveaway!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
Following on twitter @sahararao
Love everything from your collection...Love SADIE more :)
I am a registered user of sole society!
In region registered on sole society and follow and shared on twitter I'm @ kat_with_a_kay and these are my face drone the collection http://m.solesociety.com/fashioninsiders/alyssa-hertzig/kimberlee.html?affiliate_id=10333261&color=kimberlee_bronze_black
I follow you on Twitter (@JennieMelnik) and have retweeted the giveaway; I'm a registered member of Sole Society; and I am loving the Ophelia in Winter Taupe Shore and Emerald Gold.
Following, retweeted, and tweeted! @kt_cramer
My fav pair are the Maxwells! Classic with a touch of edge!
I lovelovelove the pamelina. so darling. followed/posted/tweeted! check! @glittergrey
www.glitterinthegrey.com (up, but not complete yet..don't judge)
I follow on twitter and retweeted @raelena85
I like the Maxwell stud bootie in black
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Hi! Recently found your blog and love it (love your hair as well). Thanks for the opportunity to win shoes! My favorite shoes from your collection are:
The Maxwell in black (the studs are great)
Thank you!
Following you on Twitter. My email is charlinewilliams60@gmail.com
I love the Josephine flats you picked!
urchiken at gmail dot com
Retweeted one of your tweets about the giveaway. My email is charlinewilliams60@gmail.com
Registered on Sole Society (it's totally free) and checked out your collection. My email is charlinewilliams60@gmail.com
my favorite is the MAXWELL stud bootie. My email is charlinewilliams60@gmail.com
I'm following you on Twitter @SamiShenanigans
I retweeted one of your tweets! @SamiShenanigans
I registered on Sole Society :)
My favorite pair is the Kimberlee with the gold glitter :)
i follow you on twitter and retweeted your giveaway! https://twitter.com/alyssahertzig/status/291261808071819266
i also registered on Sole Society and love the KIMBERLEE from your collection!
thanks so much!
Follow you at misaacmom. I was already a member of Sole Society
Sadie is my favorite.
misaacmom at gmail dot com
i love the OPHELIA open toe heel, follow and tweeted: https://twitter.com/beautifulthngs/status/291596513916899328
Loving your curated collection, nice picks! I think my favorite pair would have to be Ophelia in red! So cute, and red is always in style. I've followed and tweeted. You can follow me on twitter: @SummerGrayStyle XoXo - Summer
I love the Maxwell in black. andreaunke@yahoo.com @adarst213
i love the kaylie! so exciting!
following your twitter @meandbells
tweet https://twitter.com/MeandBells/status/291637245713215488
registered on shoe society!
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
I follow you on twitter (my name is @nc40ishhh), e-mail niccolerenee83 at gmail dot com
My favorite shoes from your collection are the Madeline
Thanks for your consideration <3
following on twitter @minimisfit
tweeted https://twitter.com/minimisfit/status/292016807877959680
already registered with Sole Society..
And my fav is the Colette booties...i have that in my cart.
Collette's awesome!
I did all required and my fav shoe you picked is the Ophelia. lebl9077@bellsouth.net @leblancpatti
I love your Josephine's. <3
I love the Sadie in pink. I follow you on Twitter @BeautyMustsMom!
I follow you on twitter and retweeted! (@l_a_required)
I love the Maxwell!
brittany k
littleassemblyrequired at gmail dot com
Following on twitter @mollsmolls. I love the Sadie! MollieHolman@gmail.com
registered on the shop with the email nastrut.silvia@gmail.com
following on twitter with the name @PlaygroundLoove.
also retweeted one of your tweets: https://twitter.com/alyssahertzig/status/291196143239577601
my favourite pair is this one: http://www.solesociety.com/fashioninsiders/alyssa-hertzig/ophelia-grenadine-rose.html?affiliate_id=10333261&color=ophelia_grenadine_rose
Ill check it out! Love the shoes
tweeting :) @ladyboarder9669. LOVE the Ophelia sandals!
I registered on Sole Society
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
The one I like is the Aileen boot
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I love the Josephine flats in your collection ~
Great giveway!
~Kim Pincombe Cole
I am already registered with Sole Society, but have yet to make my 1st purchase...
~Kim Pincombe Cole
Following on twitter: @kimpcole
~Kim Pincombe Cole
Tweeted about giveaway!
~Kim Pincombe Cole
I love the retro feel of the Isla but I also can't get enough of the sparkle on the Kimberlee.
I'm registered at Sole Society and can be reached at with ohilarylynn (at) gmail . com
I'm also following on twitter with @ HilaryOhh
I did all of the above: tweet, follow and I am a member of Sole Society and my fav is the
I own the Sadie and I love them
Following on twitter. My email is charlinewilliams60@gmail.com
Following on twitter (@theamymichaels) and I RTed one of your tweets! I'm actually already a member at Sole Society (love them!)
I love the Isla heels in Adobe!
My favorite shoe from your collection is Sadie so pretty for fall
following @suzannaGonzalez
email: princesspeachwitchcity@gmail.com
I love the Maxwell!
twitter: @prismperfect
I like the Aileen boots. Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm definitely not a an ankle boot person but for some reason I can't get over Maxwell in Black with the studs! Super simple, but really appealing! email: vabrego2217@gmail.com
I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE the Maxwell. My twitter handle is Holly_sWorld
I loveeee the Gina!! my twits is @WhyHiTy
These wedge shoes were comfortable and looked great on my feet.
Hi, I found your post really helpful. It helped me all the way in completing my assignment, I am also giving a reference link of your blog in my case study. Thanks for posting such informative content. Keep posting.
If you haven't yet experienced Sole Society, you must. They have amazing shoes for truly unbelievable deals. (Honestly, the first time I checked out the site, I actually thought the prices were some kind of gimmick--or a typo!
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