the sparkly life: 10 Adorable DIY Valentines I Would Totally Make If I Wasn't So Lazy

Thursday, February 11, 2016

10 Adorable DIY Valentines I Would Totally Make If I Wasn't So Lazy

Paint chip valentines from Inhabitots

Homemade valentines: So sweet, so special, and sooo reserved for better moms than me. I try--I really do! I mean, I would love to break out the glue and the creativity for Valentine's Day. But I'm usually inspired to actually do something, like, the night before my kid has to bring in her valentines. So it hasn't really been in the cards for me. (Last year, I did think ahead and got these adorable valentines...but I procrastinated too much this year to even do that.)

Anyway, here are the valentines I wish I could have done this year. Let's all pin this post and try to remember to do them next year at the last possible second, shall we?

1) 3D Lollipop valentines: From 24-7-365.

2) Shopkins valentines: I pray my Shopkins-obsessed daughter never learns that these adorable valentines exist, because she will kill me. (From Hello Splendid.)

3) Star Wars Light Sabre valentines: Pinned this for next year when my son has to bring valentines in! (From Krafty Mama.)

4) Goldfish valentines: From Backless Shirt.

5) Lovebug valentines: From Dandee Designs.

6) Gummy Bear valentines: From C.R.A.F.T.

7) Gumball machine valentines: Holy shit! Are there really moms out there who take the time to do this? I BOW DOWN TO YOU.  (From Meet the Dubiens.)

8) Whoopee cushion valentines: From Paging Supermom.

9) Color Me Happy valentines: From The Pretty Bee.

10) Ring Pop valentines: From Bloom Designs.

So what did you guys do for valentines this year? And have you ever tried something as ambitious as the ones here?


Shann Eva said...

These are all so cute...but, I'm with you and have no time for that. We went cheapy store bought all the way. Plus, he has 26 kids in his class!

WorkingMomMagic said...

OMG that 3D lollipop one.. amazing. My kids just pick ones out from the store. It isnt worth the stress... until I saw that lollipop one.. I may have to do that one day!

Mollie said...

And I'm officially nervous for Elementary School.

Unknown said...

The light saber ones are so cute. My daughter would love the crayon ones, she's all about art.

Meredith @ MommyAtoZ said...

The Star Wars one is AWESOME! If I had the time and artistic skill, I'd totally try that one!

CourtneyLynne said...

Omg I saw the gold fish one on Pinterest and loved it!!!!! So many cute Valentine's here :)

Brooke Genn said...

The star wars and the ring pops are my favorites!! Too cute!!

Christene said...

All very lovely! My kid would have none of these. Maybe a giant bag of M&Ms and some hand sanitizer. (So people can sanitize their hands before scooping out exactly 6 from the communal bag.)

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